2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Gerontology (GERO)

GERO-6000: Perspectives in Gerontology (3 hours)

Introductory course for the Master of Arts in gerontology program that provides students with a comprehensive overview of the multi-disciplinary field of gerontology. Involves several academic disciplines or professional specializations in an approach to gerontology. Substantive, conceptual and methodological issues central to the study of aging and the life course are explored.

GERO-6045: Aging, Values, Attitudes and Ethics (3 hours)

Provides an overview of ethics as they relate to aging and older adults. This course examines a variety of ethical and moral issues at the clinical, social, cultural, policy and individual levels. Students explore key value issues that shape societal and individual perceptions about ethics and aging. This course considers the ethical implications of ageism.

GERO-6050: Adult Development & Aging (3 hours)

This course promotes integrity as students acquire attitudes and skills that promote the understanding of adult development with special attention paid to the aging process. It further promotes integrity as students learn to suspend judgment and draw various fields together in order to understand and provide quality care services to the aging population with sensitivity to cultural differences. Students obtain the knowledge of techniques and research while attaining competency in the timely use of various person centered interventions. As knowledge and competency develop, a sense of confidence and leadership is cultivated.

GERO-6160: Sociology of Aging (3 hours)

This course examines the impacts of aging on individuals and societies, including social, cultural and individual reactions to aging in the society and the diversity of reactions to aging. Theoretical frameworks for aging and involvement will be presented, examined and integrated. Field Trip: Required.

GERO-6495: Program Management in Aging (3 hours)

Designed to expand students' knowledge of and skills in effective program management of aging services and organizations serving older adults. Students review the aging network while considering the unique needs of older adults. This course also examines approaches for managing service programs effectively. Implications for program evaluation are considered.

GERO-6500: Public Policies & Aging (3 hours)

The course provides an overview and analysis of the policymaking process and policy initiatives as these affect older adults in society.

GERO-6510: Diversity in Aging (3 hours)

This course focuses on the differences and diversity of the aging population from a national perspective. Topics include race, ethnicity, gender, social class, spiritual and economic issues.

GERO-6750: Advanced Topics in Gerontology (3 hours)

Covers a variety of special topics in gerontology. This course is developed and offered based on interest from students and instructors. The topics broaden and complement the gerontological content offered in the required courses taken in the M.A. in gerontology program. Examples of topics include: Families in Later Life; Death and Dying; Aging and Health; Resilience over the Life Course; Global Aging; Gender and Aging; Aging in Literature and Film; Sexuality and Aging; and Grant Writing.

GERO-6900: Seminar in Gerontology (3 hours)

Focuses on current issues and problems in gerontology utilizing literature reviews, research and primary data collection. Students complete a thesis, applied or analytical project and are expected to define, complete and defend their project and complete their capstones during this 16-week course. This course includes the capstone experience.

GERO-6950: Independent Study in Gerontology (1-6 hours)

GERO-6980: Practicum in Gerontology (3 hours)

The practicum experience encompasses a supervised practice in a community agency that serves older adults and their families. In addition to the coursework, students are required to complete 240 hours of service during this 16-week course.

GERO-7000: Gerontological Theory (3 hours)

Reviews major types of gerontological theory within the context of theoretical paradigms. This course explores the differences and commonalities within the various theoretical strands of knowledge construction within gerontology.

GERO-7120: Practical Applications of Gerontological Leadership (3 hours)

Focuses on applying research, knowledge, and skills to exhibit gerontological leadership and deliver gerontological programming. Examines techniques for delivery and management of gerontological programs and evaluating effectiveness of programs/intervention.

GERO-7150: Financial and Legal Issues in Gerontological Leadership (3 hours)

Focuses on leadership skills related to the management of the financial and legal issues in gerontological organizations/institutions. Specific attention will be given to the overlap between the fields of business, law, and aging, while examining issues related to financial and legal planning for the individuals and the larger implications this planning has for society.

GERO-7500: The Physiology of Aging (3 hours)

Presents an in-depth analysis of the biology of aging, building up from changes occurring at the molecular and cellular level and analyzing the consequences at the organism level. Examines the influence of these age-related changes in what are commonly considered a disease of aging.

GERO-7505: The Psychological Aspects of Aging (3 hours)

Examines psychological development and change across the adult lifespan. Using frameworks of developmental psychology, this course reviews and explores adult development in the broad domains of cognition, personality and socio-emotional functioning. Issues related to normative and optimal adult development and aging are considered.

GERO-7560: Sociocultural Aspects of Aging (3 hours)

Presents a socio-cultural perspective on the aging process. This course examines social and cultural factors that influence aging and the nature of the integration of older adults into society, as well as the way in which population aging affects the larger society.

GERO-7800: Demography and Epidemiology of Aging (3 hours)

Explores fertility, mortality and global aging; distribution of health and illness within a population; age-based migration and its impact on locations of origin and destination; variations in health and mortality by gender, race, ethnicity and social class; impact of health and mortality patterns for individuals, society and public policy.

GERO-7805: Issues in Aging Policy (3 hours)

Explores the development, implementation and analysis of social policy in the United States on major issues affecting older people. Considers the determinants of aging policy. The policymaking process and development of legislation are analyzed as factors related to the making of policy for older adults.

GERO-7810: Foundation of Teaching and Learning in Gerontology (3 hours)

Exploration and application of teaching and learning strategies for communicating gerontological knowledge. This course addresses teaching gerontology in classroom settings as well as in public settings to a variety of audiences in applied and policy settings.

GERO-7820: Leadership, Applied Ethics, Aging and Global Change (3 hours)

Examines the ethical dilemmas of leadership, the foundations and context of moral choice, and the moral implications of decision-making as they relate to gerontological leadership. Considers the ethical challenges and decision criteria facing leaders, the role of politics and power in organizations and the leader’s ability to promote and infuse organizational ethics and integrity in an aging and globalized world.

GERO-7900: Diversity in Aging Societies (3 hours)

Explores how ethnicity, race and gender structure the lives of individuals throughout the life course and how other factors such as age, cohort and class intersect with these realities. This course considers how the lives of people differ across diverse strata and how social policies shape individuals’ lives.

GERO-7905: Professional Seminar in Gerontology (3 hours)

Applies and integrates knowledge gained in earlier courses and strengthens skills necessary to claim identity as a gerontologist. Through applications in gerontology-related areas such as advocacy, professionalism, and/or family and workplace issues, candidates will hone skills needed in the profession (i.e., CV/ Resumé development, job acquisition tools, communication skills, etc.).