EDUC-6040: Introduction to Classroom Teaching and Technology for Learning (3 hours)
This course introduces to variety of instructional strategies to prepare pre-service teachers for teaching with a focus on lesson planning, instructional strategies (including those using technology), and assessments for learning. Enrollment is limited to graduate students working toward initial certification. Replaces: EDU-6040. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.
EDUC-6045: Introduction to Theories of Learning and Cognition (3 hours)
This course will introduce pre-service teachers to learning theory, research on cognition, developmentally appropriate instruction and Social and Emotional Learning Standards. Field Experience: Required.
EDUC-6060: Classroom Management and Assessment (3 hours)
A methods course that focuses on appropriate classroom management strategies and classroom assessment and evaluation. Enrollment limited to graduate students working toward initial teacher certification. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.
EDUC-6150: Foundations in Education (3 hours)
Introductory course that examines the philosophical frameworks for effective teaching and learning, explores the competencies for effective teaching and learning, and traces the historical and contemporary development of education in the American and global contexts. Fee: Required.
EDUC-6250: Integrating and Assessing Learning in Diverse Classrooms (3 hours)
Introductory planning and assessing course that explores interdisciplinary unit plans and resource kits to promote critical thinking and collaborative skills, formal and non-formal modes of assessments for interdisciplinary lessons, and the incorporation of state, national and Illinois Social and Emotional Learning Standards and community resources within lesson plans. Field Experience: Required.
EDUC-6290: Characteristics and Instruction of Exceptional Learners (3 hours)
Introductory course that examines the characteristics of exceptional learners (physical, psychological, behavioral/social, and academic) and needs of exceptional learners, including students who have special needs/disabilities and/or who are gifted and talented, explores appropriate programing, instructional strategies, assessments, and record keeping procedures for these learners and identifies the laws, policies and procedures applicable to exceptional of exceptional learners. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.
EDUC-6350: Theories of Learning, Language Acquisition and Cognition Across Cultures (3 hours)
This foundational education course examines learning, cognition, and language acquisition theories pertinent to linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms. Emphasis will be on application of theories to create culturally responsive teaching practices and learning experiences.
EDUC-6415: Professional Responsibility and Ethics for Teachers (3 hours)
Using case examinations, pre-service teacher candidates will engage in discussions over ethics in educational contexts. School law, the development of professionalism and teaching with integrity will also be discussed. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.
EDUC-6435: Introduction to Education (3 hours)
This course explores the origins of American education. It introduces students to the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors of effective teachers. The course also provides background to the context of contemporary education through an examination of historical, philosophical and political influences. Fee: Required.
EDUC-6445: Introduction to Research: Pre-Service Teachers (3 hours)
This course is designed to introduce pre-service teacher candidates to the purposes, scope and design of Educational research. The intended outcomes of the course would be to understand the role of research in educational design and decision making, to create consumers of research within the pre-service teaching community, and to learn how to incorporate appropriate research practices into instructional settings. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.
EDUC-6920: Introduction to Research Methodology: Action Research (3 hours)
Professional education course that develops students’: (i) research and writing skills essential for Literature Review and Action Research, (ii) proficiency in organizing thoughts and arguments in the context of Literature Review and Action Research; and (iii) skills to integrate research and pedagogy within the education context.
EDUC-6921: Student Teaching: Elementary Education (6 hours)
Supervised experience in a school setting for sixteen weeks on a full-day basis under the guidance of a cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Planning, implementation, and reflective evaluation of standards-based curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professionalism. Attendance at scheduled seminars is required. Open only to students who have been accepted into the Professional Semester. Replaces: EDU-6921. Pass/Fail only.
EDUC-6922: Student Teaching: Secondary Education (6 hours)
Supervised experience in a school setting for sixteen weeks on a full-day basis under the guidance of a cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Planning, implementation, and reflective evaluation of standards-based curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professionalism. Attendance at scheduled seminars is required. Open only to students who have been accepted into the Professional Semester. Replaces: EDU-6922. Pass/Fail only.
EDUC-6923: Student Teaching Internship for Middle Grade Teachers (6 hours)
Supervised experience in a school setting for sixteen weeks on a full-day basis under the guidance of a cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Planning, implementation, and reflective evaluation of standards-based curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professionalism. Attendance at scheduled seminars is required. Open only to students who have been accepted into the Professional Semester. Corequisite: EDUC-6985. Pass/Fail only.
EDUC-6924: Student Teaching Internship for PK-12 Physical Education Teachers (6 hours)
Supervised experience in a school setting for sixteen weeks on a full-day basis under the guidance of a cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Planning, implementation, and reflective evaluation of standards-based curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professionalism. Attendance at scheduled seminars is required. Open only to students who have been accepted into the Professional Semester. Co-requisite: EDUC-6985. Pass/Fail only.
EDUC-6925: MAT Capstone (3 hours)
A pathway for eligible teacher candidates to complete a 16-week student teaching experience in his or her own classroom under the guidance of an authorized school official. Planning, implementation, and reflective evaluation of standards-based curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professionalism. Open only to students who have been accepted into the Professional Semester and are approved by the Director of Field Experience. Co-requisite EDUC-6985. Pass/Fail only.
EDUC-6926: Student Teaching Early Childhood Education (6 hours)
Supervised experience in a school setting for sixteen weeks on a full-day basis under the guidance of a cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Planning, implementation, and reflective evaluation of standards-based curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professionalism. Attendance at scheduled seminars is required. The MAT-ECE Student Teaching Internship is a supervised experience working with either prekindergarten, kindergarten, first grade or second grade populations. Open only to students who have been accepted into the Professional Semester. Corequisite: EDUC-6985. Pass/Fail only.
EDUC-6929: MAT SPED Student Teaching Internship (6 hours)
Supervised experience in a school setting for sixteen weeks on a full-day basis under the guidance of a cooperating teacher and university supervisor. Planning, implementation, and reflective evaluation of standards-based curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professionalism. Attendance at scheduled seminars is required. The MAT-SPED Student Teaching Internship is a supervised experience in two areas working with either high incidence or low incidence populations that receive special education (ages K-22) services and instructional delivery settings. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Professional Semester. Corequisite: EDUC-6985. Pass/Fail only.
EDUC-6950: Independent Study in Education (1-6 hours)
EDUC-6985: Student Teaching Seminar (0 hours)
Focus on portfolio-related issues, skills and areas of knowledge, specifically in preparation for submitting the student teaching summative assessment. Open only to students who have been accepted into the Professional Semester. Fee: Required. Co-requisite: EDUC-6921, EDUC-6922, EDUC-6923, EDUC-6924, EDUC-6925, EDUC-6926 or EDUC-6929. Pass/Fail only.
EDUC-6990: Education Internship (2 hours)
Supervised experience (100 clock hours) in a school, an educational setting, or with an organization in a position that utilizes the skills of an educator. Site to be approved by Concordia-Chicago prior to start.