2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Education (EDU)

EDU-6010: Methods of Teaching in Elementary/Middle School: Language Arts (3 hours)

Basic elements of classroom management and methods in teaching language arts.

EDU-6015: Seminar in Higher Education (3 hours)

This course serves as an introduction to the U.S.-based higher education learning environment. Students will work to develop English grammar, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.

EDU-6041: Seminar in Gifted Education (3 hours)

Students will design, implement, and evaluate a leadership project related to gifted education and the needs of gifted and talented students.

EDU-6110: Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction (3 hours)

This course examines the philosophical, historical, social and psychological foundations in education and their impact on teacher practice in curriculum, instruction and assessment.

EDU-6135: Fundamentals of Learning Theory (3 hours)

Learning facilitators will develop an understanding of cognitive development in K-12 children and adult learners. This course will focus on cognitive functioning, brain research and critical thinking as they relate to research-based best practices for teaching and learning.

EDU-6200: Beginning Reading Instruction (3 hours)

This course examines the factors involved in the beginning literacy processes. The focus is on current theory and research relating to issues in literacy in grades K-3. Candidates are introduced to administering and interpreting literary assessments and planning effective intervention lesson(s) for early readers. Field Experience: 7 hours. Field Setting: Public educational setting for work with K-3 students required.

EDU-6205: Foundations of Language and Reading Theory (3 hours)

This course will deepen understanding of reading research and language acquisition factors that influence the reading and writing processes. Candidates will also explore historical influences on literacy research and practice, examining literature in sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, educational learning theory and literacy research.

EDU-6212: Studies in Literacy and Multiliteracy (3 hours)

Examination of the correlates of effective literacy instruction. Emphasis on application of current theory and research in literacy and multiliteracies as it applies to P-12 classrooms.

EDU-6228: Diagnosis of Reading Problems for Ohio Reading Endorsement (3 hours)

Candidates will study the causes and types of reading difficulties that are characteristic of elementary, middle, and secondary struggling readers. In addition, candidates will learn procedures for assessing the struggling reader, including administration and interpretation of various standardized and informal assessments.

EDU-6229: Remediation of Reading Problems for Ohio Reading Endorsement (3 hours)

Candidates will study the current research relating to common reading problems and the various best practices to remedy the problems. Candidates will use data to inform teaching practices and plan differentiated instruction to meet the needs of a diverse group of elementary, middle, and secondary learners. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDU-6228.

EDU-6230: Content Reading: Middle and Secondary Schools (3 hours)

This graduate reading course emphasizes the development of competence as a literacy coach/leader in a middle or secondary setting. Integrity is fostered through attention to the diversity of learners in their various educational settings. Leadership and collaborative relationships are fostered through various experiences with middle and secondary content-area teachers, cohort peers, and literacy professionals. Candidates are expected to participate in field experiences outside of course online or class hours, which include conducting interviews with teachers, teaching a lesson and conferring and planning with teachers. Candidate-arranged work with middle/secondary teacher. Field Experience: 5 hours required. Field Setting: Required.

EDU-6231: Studies in Elementary, Middle and Secondary School Reading (3 hours)

Candidates will explore principles, practices, and problems for elementary, middle, and secondary school reading students. Innovative knowledge from leading literacy leaders in their respective fields will be analyzed critically and discussed. Emphasis is on application of current theory, research, and best practices.

EDU-6232: Secondary Reading Instruction for Ohio Reading Endorsement (3 hours)

Candidates will explore various social, cognitive, and affective aspects at play when working with secondary students to develop their reading skills and practices. A major goal for candidates will be to identify and build upon students’ established multi-literacy skills and processes. Candidates will be exposed to and apply age appropriate texts, assessments, and instructional and learning practices during class sessions and a clinical situation. A strong focus is on using data to inform teaching practices while attending to student motivation and engagement. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDU-6294.

EDU-6233: Effective Use of Phonics in Reading for Ohio Reading Endorsement (3 hours)

Candidates will explore principles and practices used to teach elementary children phonics. Emphasis is on techniques and strategies that are systematically integrated in a developmentally appropriate instructional program to support children's learning to read, write and spell.

EDU-6234: Assessment of Reading with Remedial Materials and Resources (6 hours)

This is a graduate-level course series which explores the causes and types of reading difficulties, procedures for assessing the struggling reader, and experiences in administering and interpreting standardized and informal tests. The course also attends to current research relating to aspects of writing development and processes and common reading problems and their correction. Field Experience: 15 hours required. Field Setting: Public educational settings and work with primary and intermediate/upper students required.

EDU-6291: Roles, Relationships and Ethics of the Reading Professional (3 hours)

In this course, the role of the reading professional in program development, implementation, supervision and assessment is explored from an ethical perspective. Adult learning theory, literacy coaching, professional development and program evaluation are also investigated. Field Experience: 10 hours required. Field Setting: Candidates arrange to work with teacher and need access to school data and resources.

EDU-6294: Practicum I in Reading Instruction for Ohio Reading Endorsement (3 hours)

Candidates will demonstrate application of assessments and remedial techniques in a supervised, clinical situation. Taking information gleaned from administering various formal and informal assessments, candidates will demonstrate their abilities to gather data and interpret the data in order to design data-driven, appropriate instruction. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDU-6228, EDU-6229, and EDU-6231.

EDU-6298: Reading Practicum Using Developmental Instruction and Support (6 hours)

This course emphasizes the application of assessment and remedial techniques in a supervised, clinical situation for K-12 levels. It is the culminating experience for implementing data-driven instruction and the reporting of student progress. Candidate-arranged or course-embedded work with elementary and intermediate/secondary students. The MA-Reading program capstone is embedded in this course. Field Experience: 20 hours required. Field Setting: Candidate-arranged or course-embedded work with elementary and intermediate/secondary students is required. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDU-6234 or division chair consent.

EDU-6300: Perspectives in Research and Literature Across all Grade Ranges (3 hours)

This course critically examines issues and trends in literature and research across all grades, including using it as a basis for the promotion of diversity, equity and culturally responsive instruction. Candidates learn principles of research to inform their development as critical consumers of research, policy and practice. Field Experience: None.

EDU-6380: Assessment, Evaluation and Data-Driven Decision Making (3 hours)

This course enables learning facilitators and educational leaders to develop an understanding of school-wide and classroom-based assessment and evaluation by analyzing the types and purposes of assessment, and the use of assessment as a tool for school and student improvement. This course focuses on evaluating an assessment system, critiquing classroom-based assessment practices, and data gathering and analysis in order to create systems and methods that best use assessment and data for increased student achievement and broader school improvement.

EDU-6425: Psychology and Methods of Teaching the Exceptional Learner (3 hours)

Identification of characteristics of exceptional learners; applicable laws and policies; response to Intervention; educational program development based on empirically supported instructional techniques; assessment and IEP procedures; transition planning. Field Experience: 10 hours. Cross-Listed: SPED-6425.

EDU-6450: Adult Learning (3 hours)

Addresses the adult learner’s development, learning styles, conditions of learning and life circumstances. Also examines the adult educator’s role, methodology, learning theory and evaluation techniques.

EDU-6500: Curriculum Construction (3 hours)

This course focuses on educational objectives and the selection and organization of learning experiences. Contemporary types of curriculum organization, factors affecting curriculum and pertinent research will be explored.

EDU-6515: Contemporary Issues in Curriculum and Practice (3 hours)

This course engages contemporary educational issues in the United States, such as obstacles and challenges faced by educators. Educators will inspect basic assumptions and social forces that influence current educational policy making and reform.

EDU-6525: Teacher as Practitioner (3 hours)

This course addresses the knowledge and skills connected with effective teaching and instruction through the analysis of current and emerging research in pedagogy.

EDU-6526: Socially, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: Perspectives for Practitioners (3 hours)

This course seeks to prepare teachers for teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students and to explore issues of language and culture involved in teaching diverse and/or marginalized students in American schools.

EDU-6535: Teacher as Leader (3 hours)

This course promotes effective teacher leadership in classrooms, schools and other social institutions. Course content examines comparative educational systems, organizational theory, and school change and reform processes.

EDU-6540: Special Education Curriculum and Pedagogy (3 hours)

Information and skills necessary to develop and organize curriculum to facilitate acquisition, maintenance and generalization of skills for students with special needs. Instructional planning and design based on knowledge of the disability, pedagogy and curriculum goals.

EDU-6556: Seminar in Reflective Practice: Capstone II (3 hours)

Students are presented action research theory to conduct an action research inquiry of their own design that fosters reflection and growth in their own practice. The action research paper at the end of the course serves as the capstone experience for the Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDU-6640 or ESL-6640.

EDU-6565: Addressing Diverse Populations in the Classroom (3 hours)

EDU-6635: Methods and Materials for Teaching in a Bilingual Classroom (3 hours)

Exploration of principles and methodology for planning, selecting, implementing and evaluating materials used for instructing LEP students in a bilingual classroom. Issues of first and second language development, effective primary language teaching strategies and acculturation matters.

EDU-6640: Teacher as Researcher: Capstone I (3 hours)

This course prepares students to implement a teacher research (action research/self-study) project in the second course of a two-course sequence that serves as a requirement for the capstone experience in the Curriculum and Instruction, Curriculum and Instruction: Trauma and Resiliency, and Educational Technology master’s degrees. Curriculum and Instruction: Through their teacher research (action research/self-study), students participate in gaining a deeper understanding of their own teaching identity, enhanced modes of inquiry, and methods for improving the quality of education. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDU-6110, EDU-6380, EDU-6500, EDU-6525, EDU-6535, and three of the following: EDL-6715, EDT-6010, EDU-6212, EDU-6526, EDU-6540, EDU-6750, and EDU-6770. Curriculum and Instruction: Trauma and Resiliency: Prerequisite: B or higher in EDU-6110, EDU-6380, EDU-6500, EDU-6525, EDU-6535, EDU-6770, EDU-6775, and EDU-6780. Educational Technology: Students enrolled in this program should adopt a focus that speaks to the field of Educational Technology. Students may choose to highlight one or more approaches to using technology to enhance teaching and learning, as explored in core EdTech courses. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDT-6010, EDT-6030, EDT-6040, EDT-6050, EDT-6210, EDT-6220, SPED/EDT-6230, and OTES-6500.

EDU-6700: Assessment Theory and Practice (3 hours)

Introduction to psychometrics including reliability and validity theory and evaluation. Development, implementation and scoring of effective measurement instruments including authentic assessments and tests across the disciplines. Interpretation of results and instructional planning.

EDU-6710: Giftedness, Research & Policy (3 hours)

Students will identify and study the unique characteristics of the gifted learner, assess current research, consider the underrepresentation of culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse populations in gifted programs. Students will review current laws, policies and national standards in order to apply them to the education of gifted and talented students.

EDU-6715: Curriculum Development for Gifted and Talented Learners (3 hours)

In this course candidates will learn how to develop K-12 Curriculum for the gifted and talented students that take into consideration the wide range of abilities and varying needs of gifted and talented students. Curriculum modification and development that aligns with assessment frameworks and instructional practices will be addressed. Gifted curriculum models will be studies and analyzed.

EDU-6720: Identification, Assessment and Evaluation of Instructional Models for Gifted Learners (3 hours)

Students will learn multiple methods to identify and support gifted learners. Instructional models in gifted education will be examined and evaluated. Challenges to inclusive identification of gifted students will be a focus.

EDU-6725: Differentiated Instruction for Gifted and Talented Learners (3 hours)

In this course, candidates will conduct an in-depth study of differentiation strategies to meet the needs of Gifted Learners. Further, students will create learning experiences that provide choice and challenge with opportunities for more profound and more complex learning.

EDU-6730: Learning Environments for Gifted Education (3 hours)

Students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to create and enrich the learning environment in gifted education programs. Students will research, analyze and understand the impact of the physical, emotional, and academic learning environment on gifted and talented students.

EDU-6735: Assessing Gifted and Talented Students (3 hours)

This course enables candidates to defend and develop an understanding of how to create implement, and evaluate assessments for, of, and as learning. A variety of assessment instruments will be explored and designed. The focus will on the alignment of assessment to curriculum and teaching practices appropriate for gifted and talented learners.

EDU-6740: Technology in Gifted Education (3 hours)

Students will research, analyze and integrate technology to support the curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices for gifted and talented students. In addition, students will explore the role of web-based programming, assistive technologies, and other technology-based tools/resources to enrich and individualize the experiences of gifted learners.

EDU-6745: Gifted and Talented Practicum (PK-12) (3 hours)

The practicum consists of an approved eight-week field experience in a PK-12 setting that offers programs for gifted students. The field experience provides candidates opportunities to provide professional development, leadership and to practice using instructional strategies and materials as well as model an appropriate mindset for meeting the needs of students who are gifted or talented.

EDU-6750: Issues and Trends in Curriculum and Instruction (3 hours)

This graduate course explores in-depth/emerging topics and issues in curriculum and instruction. It maintains a consistent disciplinary framework while the content changes each term.

EDU-6760: Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted Learner (3 hours)

Students will examine research, demonstrate understanding and develop teaching practices that address the social and emotional growth of gifted and talented learners. In addition, students will investigate the influence and impact of family, teacher, peers, and other stakeholders on gifted learners.

EDU-6770: Trauma-Informed Pedagogy (3 hours)

This course focuses on best practices in trauma-informed pedagogy to address the needs of students experiencing trauma, which can interfere with learning and interpersonal relations. This course explores the impact of the following dimensions of trauma on children – social, emotional, physical, and academic.

EDU-6775: Creating Trauma-Sensitive Environments (3 hours)

This course explores how to create learning environments that are sensitive and responsive to trauma. To do so, the course looks at professional development and other kinds of support teacher leaders can draw upon, as well as how to bring families and the wider community into this work. Finally, this course attends to the needs of teachers and staff who may experience secondary trauma. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDU-6770.

EDU-6780: Social Emotional Learning and Resilience (3 hours)

This course focuses on social-emotional learning instructional strategies and curriculum to address students experiencing high levels of stress so that it interferes with learning and interpersonal relations. Candidates will learn best practices related to social-emotional learning and how to create classroom communities that support resiliency in students.

EDU-6950: Independent Study in Education (1-6 hours)

EDU-7030: The Impact of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) on the Educational Landscape (3 hours)

Tracing the research streams of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and its impact on American educational policy, this course examines the ideologies and people that influence curriculum development and instructional practices through a historic lens.

EDU-7100: Curriculum Theory and Design (3 hours)

This course moves from theoretical perspectives in curriculum to the design process with a focus on the relationship between theory and practice.

EDU-7420: Multicultural Education: Pedagogy in Practice (3 hours)

This course will examine the historical and political impact of multicultural education in our schools. A study of the trends in multicultural education that have guided instructional and assessment practices will be a critical component. Developing and evaluating curriculum and instructional strategies appropriate in multicultural education will also be a focus.

EDU-7500: Instructional Coaching for Effective Teaching (3 hours)

Knowledge and skills required to be an effective instructional coach. Collaboration, reflection, modeling, communication and leadership in effective coaching models.

EDU-7600: Global Perspectives in Curriculum and Instruction (3 hours)

This course examines through a global lens a number of contemporary policy issues and practices that impact the way we enact curriculum development, instruction and assessment.

EDU-7700: Research-Based Instructional Practices (3 hours)

This course will critically examine research-based instructional strategies. Understanding how to determine the effectiveness of instructional strategies based on a variety of factors such as student population and needs, available resources, and goals of the academic institution will be a focus. Understanding how instruction connects to assessment and curriculum will also be explored.

EDU-7800: Curriculum Leadership (3 hours)

This course will examine the role of the curriculum leader as a change agent in developing curriculum processes and planning that engage the educational community. Implementation strategies related to building an effective instructional program will be examined. Current trends and issues in curriculum, instruction and assessment based on research-based practices will provide a focus for the leader to improve teaching and learning.

EDU-7890: Comprehensive Seminar (3 hours)

Students demonstrate understanding of key concepts taught in the courses they have completed in their doctoral program. Candidates will lead seminars that review basic core content and emphasize practical applications. At the completion of the course, candidates will present a professional portfolio. Prerequisite: Completion of all but three or fewer courses in the doctoral program.