2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Educational Technology (EDT)

EDT-6010: Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum (3 hours)

This course is an introduction to the disciplined practice of integrating technology into teaching and learning. It provides an overview of current instructional technologies and theory-based design strategies for effectively using these technologies.

EDT-6030: Using Technology to Build Learning Communities (3 hours)

Examination and evaluation of the use of technologies in the design and building of learning communities and development of community-based outreach and engagement.

EDT-6040: Visual Literacy in the Classroom (3 hours)

Pedagogical concepts and design strategies underlying the use of an image-rich curriculum to enhance instruction. Examination and evaluation of the use of visual technology tools and techniques to build visual literacy and meet learning objectives.

EDT-6050: Technology for Effective Decision Making in Teaching and Learning (3 hours)

Examination of the decision-making process and the role of technology in supporting data-driven decision making to enhance teaching and learning.

EDT-6065: Emerging Technology Trends, Professional Learning and Evaluation (3 hours)

An overview of current and emerging innovative technologies in teaching and learning. Theories and skills necessary to design and implement professional learning opportunities in light of current and emerging teaching/learning/technology needs. An examination of an evaluative framework for assessing the effectiveness of technology interventions and programs.

EDT-6070: Educational Technology Leadership (3 hours)

Leadership theories and practices to improve professional practice and exhibit leadership in the community by promoting the use of digital resources to improve student learning.

EDT-6080: Applied Project in Educational Technology (3 hours)

Capstone course in the Educational Technology Program. Prerequisite: 3.00 CGPA and B or higher in EDT-6010, EDT-6210, EDT-6205, EDT-6030, EDT-6040, EDT-6050, EDT-6065, EDT-6070 and RES-6600.

EDT-6205: Educational Technology Hardware and Software (3 hours)

Planning, configuring and maintaining computer/technology systems, including basic networks, for school laboratories, classroom clusters and other appropriate instructional arrangements. Primary focus is on K-12 schools.

EDT-6210: Theoretical, Ethical and Practical Foundations of Educational Technology (3 hours)

Study of the theoretical, historical, contemporary and ethical foundations of educational technology. Debates social and ethical issues surrounding integrated technologies as they are designed and implemented for an academic environment. Examines how technology is embedded within policies and practices in curriculum and instruction.

EDT-6220: Emerging Educational Technology Trends (3 hours)

This course will provide an overview of current and emerging innovative technology trends in teaching and learning. Specifically, students will explore the ideas and theories that drive many of the most recent trends in K-12 educational technology. This exploration will be capped with the design and development of an engaging technology-supported lesson for students in K-12 classrooms that leverages current and emerging teaching/learning/technology trends.

EDT-6230: Assistive Technology: Principles and Practice (3 hours)

This course will address the use of assistive technology within a teaching and learning environment. It will present research and trending developments on how specific technologies address the academic and access needs of individuals with cultural/linguistic, sensory, social, emotional, cognitive and physical disabilities. Topics include defining and differentiating assistive and educational technologies; identifying the legislative policies connected with such technologies; exploring ethical and legal ramifications of assistive technology usage; and collaboration and implementation of assistive technology-enhanced materials and teaching/learning opportunities for all learners. Cross-Listed: SPED-6230.

EDT-6950: Independent Study in Educational Technology (1-6 hours)

EDT-7010: Theories in Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning (3 hours)

This course analyzes core theoretical perspectives in educational design and technology. This includes a historical review of the field, and an examination of the impact of seminal theories of teaching and learning from education, cognitive science, instructional design and the learning sciences.

EDT-7020: Designing for Online Learning Systems (3 hours)

This course will investigate the role of online learning in education, training and development. The course will specifically investigate educational psychology and instructional design concepts and their role in designing effective online learning systems. Students will also understand methods of assessment and evaluation models of online learning systems.

EDT-7030: Design of Learning Environments (3 hours)

This course addresses the design of technology-enhanced learning environments. The application of various designs and their guiding principles will be examined and critiqued. Examples include online, blended, flipped, one-to-one, informal, collaborative and non‐traditional learning settings.

EDT-7040: Human-Computer Interaction for Learning Systems (3 hours)

This course investigates the interaction between the technology and the individual for learning. In this course, students will be asked to construct and evaluate learning technologies with principles from the fields of human-computer interaction (HCI), educational psychology, instructional design and cognitive science to achieve instructional and assessment goals.

EDT-7050: Project Management (3 hours)

This course explores the principles of project management for systems design in greater depth. Specifically, students will investigate best practices and issues for effectively implementing existing project management models given the needs of an organization and its stakeholders.

EDT-7060: Strategic Planning and Evaluation of Technology Programs (3 hours)

This course addresses strategic planning and evaluation of technology programs in organizational settings. Several planning and evaluation models will be analyzed and compared for their utility in learning contexts.

EDT-7070: Technology Leadership in Organizations (3 hours)

This course addresses issues that technology leaders face when collaborating with other administrative departments. Practical and theoretical strategies will be analyzed and compared to enable students to become more effective technology leaders in organizations. Issues addressed include strengthening communication, establishing stakeholder roles, promoting connections with teaching and learning, and supporting professional development.

EDT-7080: Contemporary Issues in Technology and Instructional Design (3 hours)

This course addresses issues related to the alignment of technology initiatives with teaching and learning in the current educational environment. Examples of topics include social computing, technology to improve productivity, technology to support professional development, collaboration tools, and governmental initiatives in curriculum and instructional design.

EDT-7100: Issues in Data Management (3 hours)

This course investigates issues surrounding the use of data in an organization. Students will examine and assess the required practices and systems needed to effectively support large-scale data use. This includes design of data systems, data mining, database structures, data analytics, and government mandates for data use.

EDT-7110: Technology Department Management (3 hours)

This course addresses issues of managing a technology department’s personnel and resources. The application of appropriate leadership principles within a technology department will be examined. Topics addressed include management of technology operations, technology resources, project management, hiring, staffing, training, and evaluation.

EDT-7120: Technology Policy Analysis and Development (3 hours)

This course addresses the analysis of local, regional, federal, and international policies that affect technology applications in educational settings. Students will also consider opportunities for advocacy to influence policy decisions. Topics addressed include local acceptable use policies, regional issues, federal programs, equity, and other social, legal, and ethical issues.

EDT-7200: Issues in Technology Design and Management (3 hours)

This course investigates the constantly evolving “nuts and bolts” technical requirements of an educational organization. Students will explore ways to meet essential device requirements for the core technical infrastructure. Topics addressed include electronic networking, communication systems, device management, and management of technology systems, cloud computing, and evaluating the effectiveness of the systems.