EDL-6120: Supervision and Improvement of Instruction (3 hours)
A study and application of various educational supervisory models with emphasis on the instructional process.
EDL-6121: Ohio: Supervision and Improvement of Instruction (3 hours)
A study and application of various educational supervisory models with emphasis on the instructional process. This course also integrates Ohio-specific tools, practices and policies for evaluation.
EDL-6122: Oregon: Supervision and Evaluation to Improve Teaching and Learning (3 hours)
This course examines and provides application of various supervisory theories and practices with emphasis on improvement of instructional pedagogy and the development of professional growth plans to improve teacher performance.
EDL-6130: School Evaluation and Change Process (3 hours)
This course involves the examination and evaluation of data in relation to school improvement and student learning, analysis of current practices, identification of change processes and intervention, application of strategies and tools to process school change, and the development of a collaborative culture. This class is highly interactive requiring thoughtful and engaging dialogue and the ability to reflect on the impact of change within educational settings.
EDL-6131: Ohio: School Evaluation and Change Process (3 hours)
This course involves the examination and evaluation of data in relation to Ohio school improvement and student learning, analysis of current practices, identification of change processes and intervention, application of strategies and tools to process school change, and the development of a collaborative culture. This class is highly interactive requiring thoughtful and engaging dialogue and the ability to reflect on the impact of change within educational settings.
EDL-6140: Curriculum and Assessment: Framework for Student Learning (3 hours)
This course is designed to prepare the instructional leader to develop the knowledge and skills related to curriculum and assessment at the building level. Analysis of curriculum frameworks aligned to state and national standards, and assessment processes leading to school improvement will be examined.
EDL-6142: Oregon: Curriculum and Assessment: Framework for Student Learning (3 hours)
This course is designed to prepare the instructional leader to develop the knowledge and skills related to curriculum and assessment at the building level. Analysis of curriculum frameworks aligned to state and national standards, and assessment processes leading to school improvement will be examined.
EDL-6150: School District Financial Planning and Analytics (3 hours)
Explores the role of the chief school business official in overseeing and allocating financial, human resource and other resources to promote student performance.
EDL-6201: Ohio: School Finance and Business Management (3 hours)
Explores and examines district-wide resource allocation and management as it impacts school and district programs through the planning, implementation and evaluation of a school district budget, human resources, facilities, transportation, communication and technology.
EDL-6210: School Finance and Business Management (3 hours)
Financing of public and nonpublic schools and its relationship to government and other sponsoring agencies. Introduction of methods used in business and financial management of schools.
EDL-6211: Principles of School Business Management (3 hours)
Introduces students to the role of school business management including key concepts, skills and aptitudes. Provides a basis from which students can connect and apply key school business management concepts to their graduate business education in the MBA and CSBO programs.
EDL-6212: Oregon School Finance (3 hours)
Financing of Oregon public and nonpublic schools and its relationship to government and other sponsoring agencies. Introduction of methods used in business and financial management of schools.
EDL-6220: School Organization and Human Resources (3 hours)
Leadership theory and its impact on educational organization, culture, leadership skills and processes.
EDL-6225: Special Education Finance (3 hours)
Students will explore issues related to funding programs for students with special needs. Further discussion focuses on policies, practices and issues related to special education finance at the local, state and federal levels, including sources, legal mandates and budgeting. Cross-Listed: SPED-6225.
EDL-6230: School Law and Policies (3 hours)
Analysis of legal issues as they affect teachers, students, programs and tort liability.
EDL-6231: Ohio: School Law (3 hours)
Investigates Ohio state and federal laws, regulations, case law, and constitutional provisions affecting students and the school community. Students analyze current legal issues and the importance of policies and procedures.
EDL-6232: Oregon School Law (3 hours)
Investigates Oregon state and federal laws, regulations, case law, and constitutional provisions affecting students and the school community. Students analyze current legal issues and the importance of policies and procedures.
EDL-6233: School Law and Policies (3 hours)
Analysis of legal issues as they affect teachers, students, the community, programs and tort liability in public and private schools.
EDL-6235: Principal as Resource Manager (3 hours)
The management and allocation of financial, human and capital resources in support of school and district operations.
EDL-6240: Instructional Leadership (3 hours)
Elements of instructional leadership are examined, emphasizing parent, staff and community collaborations including advanced curriculum and instruction.
EDL-6241: Ohio: Instructional Leadership (3 hours)
Elements of instructional leadership are examined, emphasizing parent, staff and community collaborations including advanced curriculum and instruction and incorporating the key aspects of the Ohio Improvement Process.
EDL-6242: Oregon: Instructional Leadership (3 hours)
Elements of Instructional Leadership are examined emphasizing parent, staff and community collaborations including curriculum and instruction.
EDL-6250: Special Education Law and Policy (3 hours)
Impact of special education policies and implementation as related to public and nonpublic schools. Analysis of legal guidelines, litigation, individualized education programs, inclusion and characteristics of exceptional learners. Cross-Listed: SPED-6250.
EDL-6300: Ethical Leadership: Models and Practices (3 hours)
Examination of current and anticipated ethical issues and dilemmas facing education in light of recent knowledge, research and societal demographics related to school leadership.
EDL-6302: Oregon: Ethical Leadership: Models and Practices (3 hours)
Examination of current and anticipated ethical issues and dilemmas facing education in light of recent knowledge, research and societal demographics related to school leadership.
EDL-6310: School, Families and Community Partnerships (3 hours)
Processes and skills needed to develop effective communication programs linking schools, parents and community.
EDL-6510: School Fund Accounting and Budgeting (3 hours)
Analysis of school funding and accounting required for the CSBO endorsement.
EDL-6520: School Finance Law (3 hours)
Analysis of laws governing school finance and accounting procedures as they affect schools and districts.
EDL-6530: Teacher Leadership: Instructional Coaching and Mentoring (3 hours)
In this course students will investigate coaching models and principles of teacher mentorship. This course will examine the critical role the teacher leader has in improvement of instruction and in the professional development of faculty.
EDL-6710: Teacher Leadership: Using Data to Inform Practice (3 hours)
Analyzing data to inform professional practice and lead school improvement efforts.
EDL-6715: Teacher Leadership: Providing Instructional Support (3 hours)
This course aims to instruct teacher leaders about the distributed nature of professional development; provide a theoretical understanding about concepts of induction, retention and resilience; help manage the anxiety common to new teachers; and develop and apply a teacher support plan based on a case study of their choosing among several case studies provided in the course. These theories and strategies will be practically implemented through the development of an individual action plan that focuses on providing instructional support for teachers.
EDL-6720: Teacher Leadership: Influencing the School Culture (3 hours)
Developing and sustaining a school culture that supports student achievement.
EDL-6725: Teacher Leadership: Building Collaborative Relationships (3 hours)
Developing and sustaining collaborative relationships for effective school reform.
EDL-6775: Leading School Based Professional Learning Communities (PLC's) (3 hours)
This course focuses on designing and leading professional learning systems and processes within various educational settings. Research and theory on professional development and learning of educators is explored in relation to three models of professional learning: standardized, site-based and individual.
EDL-6950: Independent Study in Educational Leadership (1-6 hours)
EDL-6951: Oregon Principal License Internship I (3 hours)
This is the first semester of a two semester internship. This required course and capstone experience in the School Leadership Program supports the development of servant-leadership in public and parochial schools. Integrity and competence are demonstrated as students learn about the roles and functions of PK-12 school administrators and develop specific leadership and administrative skills.
EDL-6952: Oregon Principal License Internship II (3 hours)
This is the second semester of a two-semester internship. This required course and capstone experience in the School Leadership Program supports the development of servant-leadership in public and parochial schools. Integrity and competence are demonstrated as students learn about the roles and functions of PK-12 school administrators and develop specific leadership and administrative skills. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDL-6951.
EDL-6983: Internship in School Leadership I (3 hours)
The first semester of a two-semester continuous principal preparation clinical experience at the PK-12 level, requiring extensive, intensive and diverse assignments and administrative activities. This course must be taken the semester immediately before EDL-6984 or it must be repeated.
EDL-6984: Internship in School Leadership II (3 hours)
The second semester of a two-semester continuous principal preparation clinical experience at the PK-12 level, requiring extensive, intensive and diverse assignments and administrative activities. This course must be taken in the semester immediately following the student’s successful EDL-6983 experience. If the student is not successful in EDL-6984, the EDL-6983 and EDL-6984 internship sequence must be repeated. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDL-6983.
EDL-6986: Internship in School Business Management I (3 hours)
An academic, 16-week long clinical experience at the PK-12 level, requiring extensive, intensive and diverse assignments and administrative activities in finance.
EDL-6987: Internship in School Business Management II (3 hours)
An academic, 16-week long clinical experience at the PK-12 level, requiring extensive, intensive and diverse assignments and administrative activities in finance. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDL-6986.
EDL-6988: Teacher Leader Practicum (3 hours)
This practicum provides the opportunity to apply the national and state teacher leader standards addressed in the coursework to an authentic school setting. The candidate will develop, implement, and evaluate a school-based action plan which is conceptualized and developed throughout the entire TL program. This plan focuses on improvement of classroom instruction and increased student performance.
EDL-6993: Illinois Principal Preparation Program: Internship I (3 hours)
The first semester of a two-semester continuous principal preparation clinical experience at the PK-12 level, requiring extensive, intensive and diverse assignments and administrative activities. This course must be taken the semester immediately before EDL-6994 or it must be repeated.
EDL-6994: Illinois Principal Preparation Program: Internship II (3 hours)
The second semester of a two-semester continuous principal preparation clinical experience at the PK-12 level, requiring extensive, intensive and diverse assignments and administrative activities. This course must be taken the semester immediately following successful completion of EDL-6993. If a student is not successful in EDL-6994, the full Internship sequence (EDL-6993 | EDL-6994) must be repeated. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDL-6993.
EDL-6997: Oregon: Preliminary Administrator License (PreAL) Internship in School Leadership I (3 hours)
The CUC-Oregon PreAL Internship is a rigorous academic year-long program which provides diverse clinical experiences at the PreK-12 level for candidates seeking the Preliminary Administrator License (PreAL) administrative credential. Interns complete comprehensive clinical experiences and engage in authentic leadership projects, which are aligned with their school’s focus on the improvement of student achievement, the ELCC Building-Level Standards (2011) and TSPC Standards. The capstone project of the School Leadership Program is a component of the internship. Prerequisite: The internship begins in August and ends in May concurrent with the Fall and Spring semesters at Concordia University Chicago. Candidates will complete the internship in their own school. However, a minimum of 15 hours of the total required 288 are to be completed in a diverse setting which is a school that serves students at different grade levels, PK-12, are ethnically and culturally diverse, and may be located in a community other than the candidate’s own school.
EDL-6998: Oregon: Preliminary Administrator License (PreAL) Internship in School Leadership II (3 hours)
This is the second semester of a two-semester administrative internship which provides diverse clinical experiences at the PreK-12 level for candidates seeking the Initial Administrative License (PreAL) administrative credential. Interns complete comprehensive clinical experiences and engage in authentic leadership projects, which are aligned with their school’s focus on the improvement of student achievement, and the ELCC and TSPC Standards. The capstone project of the School Leadership Program is a component of the internship. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDL-6997.
EDL-7100: The Superintendency (3 hours)
Administrative techniques and interrelationships of the district administrator with other administrators, school staff, school boards and various governmental agencies.
EDL-7110: Strategies of Educational Leadership (3 hours)
Analysis of management and supervisory skills and behavior that lead to the improvement of instruction in public and private schools.
EDL-7111: Strategies of Educational Leadership for the Illinois Superintendent Endorsement (3 hours)
This course explores the theories, practices and standards of educational leadership with practical applications to the Superintendent Endorsement. The field of educational leadership is continuously being redefined in response to changing school contexts, policies and cultural realities. Focus is on the analysis of instructional leadership skills and behavior that lead to the improvement of instruction in public and private schools. Reading, scholarly writing, class discussions, project-based real life assignments and personal reflection about emerging issues in education are strongly emphasized.
EDL-7120: Research-Based Decision Making (3 hours)
This course prepares students to be consumers of research in order to make leadership decisions based on qualitative and quantitative research studies. Investigation of primary source research studies includes the analysis of the research problem, research question, literature review, methodology and results to understand the structure of research studies that can be applied to authentic problems in various fields of study.
EDL-7121: Research-Based Decision Making (non K-12) (3 hours)
This course prepares students to be consumers of research in order to make leadership decisions based on qualitative and quantitative research studies. Investigation of primary source research studies includes the analysis of the research problem, research question, literature review, methodology and results to understand the structure of research studies that can be applied to authentic problems in various fields of study.
EDL-7140: Organizational Change (PK-12) (3 hours)
This course is designed to address the importance of organizational change. The need for change, planning for change, implementing change, and evaluating change will be discussed from a variety of theoretical and practical perspectives.
EDL-7141: Organizational Change (non K-12) (3 hours)
This course is designed to address the importance of organizational change. The need for change, planning for change, implementing change, and evaluating change will be discussed from a variety of theoretical and practical perspectives.
EDL-7210: Policy Analysis (PK-12) (3 hours)
Educational policy-making at the macro (national, regional and state) and micro (local and institutional) levels. Selected educational policies.
EDL-7211: Policy Analysis (3 hours)
This course is intended to provide an overview of policy issues, policy development, policy analysis and policy implementation processes through an examination of the theoretical and practical applications related to policy considerations in organizations and institutions.
EDL-7220: Human Resource Administration and Bargaining (3 hours)
Functions of human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, development and related legal issues, and human relations.
EDL-7230: Educational Finance (3 hours)
Public values, policy issues, specialized terminology and practical problems associated with the generation, distribution and internal allocation and control of education revenues and expenditures.
EDL-7232: Oregon Educational Finance (3 hours)
This course examines all aspects of the management of resources in an Oregon school district including finance, human resources, and auxiliary services. Students will identify effective strategies to provide district resources to promote student performance. Students will identify and analyze how district resources can be allocated to provide for and advocate for every child.
EDL-7240: Supervisory Theory & Practice (3 hours)
Examination of the theory and implementation of best practices related to the development of a positive organizational culture. Particular emphasis is given to supervision, evaluation and professional learning skills and behaviors of school district leaders in diverse school communities.
EDL-7241: Supervisory Theory and Practice for the Illinois Superintendent Endorsement (3 hours)
Examination of the theory and implementation of best practices related to the supervision and professional development of leaders at the school and district levels. Particular emphasis is given to the role of the superintendent in the supervision, evaluation and professional learning platform of all school leaders in diverse school communities. Teacher performance data and district improvement efforts are linked and a review of the district’s professional learning plan is addressed.
EDL-7242: Oregon Supervisory Theory and Practice (3 hours)
This course examines the theory and implementation of best practices related to the supervision and professional development of school personnel. Particular emphasis is given to the supervision of diverse school communities and the moral nature and obligation of supervisory leadership.
EDL-7245: Managing Illinois School District Finances (3 hours)
This course examines all aspects of fiscal management in a school district including finance, human resources, and auxiliary services. Students will identify effective strategies to provide district resources to promote student performance. Students will identify and analyze how district resources can be allocated to provide for and advocate for every child.
EDL-7250: Legal Issues for School Districts (3 hours)
This course examines legal issues affecting school districts in Illinois. Federal and state case law will be reviewed and applied to legal problems that confront school administrators.
EDL-7252: Oregon Legal Issues for School Districts (3 hours)
This course examines legal issues affecting schools districts in Oregon. Federal and state case law will be reviewed and applied to legal problems that confront school administrators.
EDL-7255: Managing Legal and Human Resource Issues (3 hours)
This course examines all aspects of managing legal and human resource issues in Illinois public school districts including the recruitment, selection, evaluation and supervision of high-quality staff. Students will demonstrate understanding of state and federal laws, regulations, and case law affecting Illinois public schools.
EDL-7260: School/District Improvement Using Data Analysis (3 hours)
This course examines all aspects of curriculum instruction and assessment by utilizing existing school district data and reviewing the district’s curricular, instructional and assessment programs. Students will understand and evaluate the current assessment plan and make recommendations for improvement that lead to comprehensive, rigorous and coherent curricular and instructional programs. Analysis of the district’s curriculum map, instructional processes and formats, and the district’s assessment plan will be conducted as it contributes to supporting high-quality instruction and improved student learning.
EDL-7300: Ethics for Educational Leaders (3 hours)
Ethical and philosophical analysis of administrative roles and responsibilities in light of moral dilemmas that prevail in schools and districts. Attention to diversity and the impact that leadership has on the educational environment is explored.
EDL-7301: Ethics for Educational Leaders for the Illinois Superintendent Endorsement (3 hours)
The course centers on a variety of moral dilemmas that prevail in societies and organizations. Candidates will gain a deep understanding of the complexity of such moral dilemmas through critical analysis and application of laws, regulations and professional ethics to ethical decision-making. Integrity is fostered through the ethical and philosophical analysis of experiences in educational leadership. Attention is paid to the issue of building district culture and ethical environments that promote equitable learning outcomes for all students. Attention is focused on the engagement and collaboration between schools, families and the community in the provision of culturally responsible teaching and learning. The impact that leadership has on the educational environment is explored. Experience in district leadership is gained through the analysis of and the creation of policy and codes of conduct that support the success of all students. The primary aim of this course, then, will be to work through general ethical problems and practice that promote the principles of democracy, equity and respect for all classes of people.
EDL-7310: Organization and Community Partnerships (3 hours)
An examination of the nature of organizational development in order to build effective community outreach and partnerships. Topics explored include organizational and community culture, climate, political structures, community groups and other influencing factors, which impact organizational decision-making.
EDL-7891: Professional Career Training - Superintendent Track (3 hours)
Students complete an internship to fulfill a requirement for the superintendent endorsement.
EDL-7894: Superintendent Internship I: The Superintendent as Instructional Leader (3 hours)
This is the first in a three-internship course sequence required for superintendent candidates under the new requirement of ISBE 23 Illinois Administrative Code 33. The curricular focus is the superintendent as instructional leader. Candidates are required to complete field-based clinical experiences that prepare them to lead the curricular, instructional and assessment programs in a school district.
EDL-7895: Superintendent Internship II: The Superintendent as Change Agent (3 hours)
This is the second in a three-internship course sequence required for superintendent candidates under the new requirement of ISBE 23 Illinois Administrative Code 33. The curricular focus is the superintendent as change agent. Candidates are required to complete field-based clinical experiences that prepare them to lead the curricular, instructional and assessment programs in a school district. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDL-7894.
EDL-7896: Superintendent Internship III: The Superintendent as HR and Resources Manager (3 hours)
This is the third in a three-internship course sequence required for superintendent candidates under the new requirement of ISBE 23 Illinois Administrative Code 33. The curricular focus is the superintendent as human and district resources manager. Candidates are required to complete field-based clinical experiences that prepare them to lead the curricular, instructional and assessment programs in a school district. Prerequisite: B or higher in EDL-7895.
EDL-7897: Internship: Oregon (ProAL) (3 hours)
Clinical experiences at the PK-12 level, requiring extensive, intensive and diverse assignments an administrative activities.