2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Differentiated Instruction (EDI)

EDI-6010: Differentiation and Learning Theory (3 hours)

Introduction to the philosophy, learning theory and theoretical perspective of differentiation. Examination of ways that classrooms can effectively support differentiating instruction and assessment to address the complex challenges of meeting the diverse learning needs and levels of all students.

EDI-6020: Curriculum and Instructional Development for the Differentiated Classroom (3 hours)

Candidates will develop knowledge and skills in planning, implementing, coordinating and evaluating differentiated teaching and learning environments that challenge and assist diverse learners to achieve at their highest level of ability.

EDI-6030: Instructional Methods for the Differentiated Classroom (3 hours)

Candidates will develop the knowledge and skills of how to build a democratic learning community inclusive of a broad set of effective teaching strategies. Through this process the candidates will learn to shape and maintain learning conditions that facilitate effective differentiated instruction, including effective classroom management as an ongoing, maintenance-oriented process that involves motivating students to learn, providing appropriate instruction and feedback, and managing student work.

EDI-6035: Assessment of Student Learning (3 hours)

This course enables teachers to develop an understanding of how to create, implement and evaluate classroom assessments effectively and efficiently. A variety of assessment tools and types will be explored. Understanding the alignment of assessment to curriculum and teaching practices will be a focus.

EDI-6040: Seminar in Differentiated Instruction (3 hours)

Seminar in Differentiated Instruction will serve as the capstone course. Candidates will design and implement a leadership project. The project will allow candidates to demonstrate their proficiency, knowledge and skill in designing and evaluating an initiative that promotes effective differentiated instruction practices in a school setting.

EDI-6950: Independent Study in Education: Differentiated Instruction (1-6 hours)