2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Elementary Education (EDEL)

EDEL-6901: Teaching English Language Arts: Content (3 hours)

The candidate will explore the conventions for language and literacy development (reading, writing, speaking, listening) in linguistically diverse classrooms—including English language learners and learners with special needs. An examination of various genres and characteristics in children’s literature that will meet the needs of all learners. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.

EDEL-6902: Teaching English Language Arts: Methods and Assessment (3 hours)

The candidate will develop effective, creative and research-based strategies for language and literacy development (reading, writing, speaking, listening) in linguistically diverse classrooms, including English language learners and learners with special needs. Field Experience: Required. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.

EDEL-6906: Teaching Science: Content (3 hours)

In this course, students will: (i) acquire proficiency in elementary grades science content, standards, and curriculum for diverse classrooms – including English Language Learners and learners with special needs; (ii) explore the interrelationships between science, technology, and society; and (iii) understand the concepts of various sciences – earth, space, life, physical, and environmental. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.

EDEL-6907: Teaching Science: Methods and Assessment (3 hours)

In this course, students will examine the foundations of elementary physical, life, and earth sciences, including engineering, and technology. Methods include the integration of inquiry, creative thinking, and problem-solving. Science standards, curriculum, instruction, safety, and assessment for diverse classrooms are explored, including differentiating for English language learners and students with special needs. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.

EDEL-6908: Teaching Science: Content, Methods and Assessment (3 hours)

In this course, students will: (i) acquire proficiency in elementary grades science content, (physical, life, and earth sciences, including engineering, and technology) standards, curriculum and assessment, for diverse classrooms – including English Language Learners and learners with special needs; Methods include planning and teaching lessons that utilize inquiry, creative thinking, and problem-solving. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.

EDEL-6910: Teaching Social Studies: Content, Methods and Assessment (3 hours)

The candidate will acquire proficiency in elementary grades social science content (including Illinois history, geography, economics and civics), standards and curriculum for diverse classrooms. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.

EDEL-6914: Understanding Mathematics Content: Algebra, Geometry and Statistics (3 hours)

In this course, students will: (i) acquire proficiency in elementary grades math content, standards, and curriculum for diverse classrooms – including English Language Learners and learners with special needs; (ii) examine the major concepts, procedures, and reasoning processes of mathematics (e.g. number systems, number sense, geometry, measurement, and data); and (iii) explore the integration of mathematical content and skills in real-world situations. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.

EDEL-6915: Teaching Mathematics: Methods and Assessments (3 hours)

In this course, students will: (i) develop effective and creative strategies to teach mathematical concepts, procedures, and reasoning processes in diverse classrooms - including English Language Learners and learners with special needs; (ii) incorporate a variety of real-life situations that involve mathematical skills into lesson plans; and (iii) use a range of instructional technologies and assessment tools to support and evaluate the learning of math concepts and skills. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.

EDEL-6918: Teaching Physical Education and the Fine Arts: Content, Methods and Assessment (3 hours)

The candidate will explore and develop effective and creative strategies to teach the skills that are pertinent to lifelong physical well‐being and creative expressions in the classroom. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.

EDEL-6919: Teaching Elementary Math for 21st Century Learners (3 hours)

In this course, a holistic approach to teaching mathematics and problem solving will be encouraged to help our teacher candidates weave mathematical elements holistically and seamlessly in their lesson planning and instructional techniques. Candidates will also acquire proficiency in elementary math content, standards, curriculum and assessment, and develop effective and creative strategies to teach mathematical concepts, procedures, mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving processes in diverse classrooms – including English Language Learners and learners with special needs. Field Experience: Required 10 hours.

EDEL-6922: Professionalism, Leadership, Communication and Ethics for Pre-service Elementary Teachers (3 hours)

The candidate will articulate and demonstrate the competencies, attitudes and behaviors for effective teaching and classroom management in linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms. Fee: Required. Prerequisite: Acceptance to Teacher Candidacy.