2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Early Childhood Education (ECE)

ECE-6100: Early Childhood Curriculum and Content, Ages 3-5 (3 hours)

Programs, standards, materials, resources for early childhood curriculum. Understanding of issues, trends, and current practices related to foundations of developmentally appropriate practices in various models and programs. Experiences in curriculum design, development, implementation, adult-child relationships and evaluation. Field Experience: Required.

ECE-6105: Observation and Assessment (3 hours)

Methods of observation, documentation and other assessment strategies are studied as a way to assess children’s growth and the development of knowledge and skills. Current classroom practices and learning environments are explored to identify changes that benefit children, their families, and communication between program and home. Field Experience: Required.

ECE-6110: School Age Curriculum, Ages 6-8 (3 hours)

This course develops the candidate’s ability to design, implement and evaluate experiences for the school age child. Focus on essential concepts, inquiry tools, content areas, and overall academic discipline including working with differentiated learners. Field Experience: Required.

ECE-6115: Infant and Toddler Curriculum (3 hours)

Programs for infants and toddlers in centers, homes and agencies. Issues related to program provision for all children in a pluralistic society. An overview of early intervention services and issues. Field Experience: Required.

ECE-6120: Developmentally Effective Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 hours)

This course uses a wide variety of developmentally appropriate approaches, instructional strategies, and tools that connect children of diverse backgrounds and experiences to learning. Field Experience: Required observations and interactions with diverse learners.

ECE-6160: Child, Family and Multicultural Community (3 hours)

Processes, research, skills, and in-depth knowledge about families and multicultural communities needed to develop reciprocal relationships with families in centers, home child care, schools, districts, and communities. Demonstration of cultural competence in multicultural settings and effective communication and collaboration involving families and communities in children’s development and learning are included. Field Experience: Required.

ECE-6170: Professional Leadership and Advocacy in Early Childhood Education (3 hours)

Candidates will demonstrate leadership skills in alignment with NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and other professional guidelines relevant to their collaborative professional role. Candidates will be engaged in advocacy for children and the profession. Oral, written and technological articulation will be demonstrated throughout the course.

ECE-6180: Trends and Methods in ECE in Literacy (3 hours)

Trends and methods in early literacy will be examined that include factors involved in the beginning literacy processes. The focus is on current theory and research relating to issues in literacy birth to grade 2. Candidates are introduced to administering and interpreting literacy assessments and planning effective intervention lesson(s) for early readers. Field Experience: Required.

ECE-6190: Practicum and Research in Early Childhood Education (3 hours)

Exposure to the total range of services for young children and their families including administration and supervision of programs. Research and implications for instruction will be studied. Field Experience: Required. Prerequisite: B or higher in ECE-6100, ECE-6105, ECE-6110, ECE-6115, ECE-6120, ECE-6160, ECE-6170, ECE-6180, and ECE-6320.

ECE-6320: Child Development and Ethics in Early Childhood Education (3 hours)

This course examines child development and ethics of current theory and practice in early childhood education. Critical examination of a variety of current models is included. Issues of mainstreaming, inclusion, and cultural pluralism as they relate to the education of children from birth through grade three are also incorporated.

ECE-6950: Independent Study in Early Childhood Education (1-6 hours)

ECE-7010: Child Development and the Educational Process (3 hours)

Candidates will examine current research in child development and its relationship to early childhood educational process and practice. The course explores the impact of growth and behavior in the areas of intellectual, social, physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual development of young children as well as the latest in brain research as it relates to cognitive development and well-being of children from culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse backgrounds.

ECE-7020: The Leadership/Supervision of Early Childhood Centers and Programs (3 hours)

This course is an in-depth exploration of the issues and concerns of the leadership and supervision in diverse early childhood settings. Candidates will gain experiences in models and theories of administration and supervisions, public relations, advocacy and marketing, management styles and skills, team building, best practices of organization operations and management, as well as standards and compliance.

ECE-7030: Trends, Issues and Research in Early Childhood Education (3 hours)

Examination of current research, trends and issues in the early education of children with emphasis on interpreting and applying research data to principles and practices of early childhood education locally, nationally and internationally. Candidates will explore social, political and legal issues that influence the education of young children and best practices appropriate for all learners.

ECE-7040: Cultural and Socioeconomic Influences Affecting Diverse Learners (3 hours)

Examination of theory, research, and practice with emphasis on culturally, economically, socially, and linguistically diverse learners impacting the education of young learners. Investigation of a wide range of developmentally appropriate materials, evidenced-based instructional approaches to early childhood, assessments, and technology-based practices that reflect the principles and influences of teaching and working with all young children.

ECE-7050: Models of Assessment (3 hours)

A study of a variety of types of assessments used for program evaluation, curriculum design and young children’s learning and development is the focus of this course. Selection, administration, analysis and interpretation of formal and informal individual, program and personnel assessments currently available to early childhood professionals will be an integral part of the course. Field Experience: Required.

ECE-7060: Curriculum Models in Early Childhood Education (3 hours)

This course explores research and practices of a variety of curriculum models. Current trends toward data driven instruction and evidence-based curriculum development will be examined. Focus on effective and appropriate curriculum planning and instructional practices across all content areas will be explored.

ECE-7070: Language, Literacy and Reading Instruction in Early Childhood Education (3 hours)

Examination of the research, theory, and best practices related to the relationship of cognition, language, and literacy in early education. Candidates will explore the importance of all aspects of literacy development and growth (i.e., reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and visual representation) as well as the quality of instruction and adult-child interactions as a means to create successful learners. Field Experience: Required.

ECE-7080: Legal Issues in Early Childhood Education (3 hours)

A study of the historical and current legal trends and issues involving legislation and policy in early childhood education will be the focus of this course. Candidates will explore the role of power relationships, apply social advocacy skills, and collaborate and consult with other professionals and staff in early childhood education. The course addresses the understanding and responsibilities of early childhood professionals on record keeping, identification and mandated reporting, safety practices, and communication of legal issues.

ECE-7090: Family and Community Relationships and Advocacy (3 hours)

This course explores the research and practices surrounding the relationships between families, communities, early childhood professionals and policy makers in providing appropriate early child care, education and funding. In-depth study, analysis and discussion of strategies for developing culturally appropriate family-professional partnerships will be explored. Students will address the advocacy needs, opportunities and practices necessary to build dialogue with all early childhood stakeholders as a spokesperson for young children.

ECE-7110: Examination and Synthesis of Practical Needs within the Field of ECE (3 hours)

Candidates will participate in a 16-week structured practicum experience in the field of ECE. Supervised field experiences and opportunities to acquire and apply knowledge about early childhood education will be designed to link university course work to real world situations. Candidates will examine a real need at an ECE approved site, review the literature on the issue, and complete tasks to understand the need within the site to provide a thorough analysis of the topic to the site stakeholders. This is the final ECE core specialization course. Prerequisite: B or higher in ECE-7010, ECE-7020, ECE-7030, ECE-7040, ECE-7050, ECE-7060, ECE-7070, ECE-7080, ECE-7090, RES-7605 and RES-7700.