DISS-7010: Dissertation I (3 hours)
Scholarly work on a dissertation as approved by the dissertation committee. Pass/Fail only.
DISS-7011: Dissertation Proposal I (3 hours)
Required research hours taken during the preparation of the dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: P in COMP-7000 or COMP-7010. Offered Pass/Fail.
DISS-7012: Dissertation Proposal II (3 hours)
Required research hours taken during the preparation of the dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7011. Offered Pass/Fail.
DISS-7013: Dissertation Proposal III (3 hours)
Required research hours taken during the preparation of the dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7012. Offered Pass/Fail.
DISS-7014: Dissertation Proposal IV (3 hours)
Required research hours taken during the preparation of the dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7013. Offered Pass/Fail.
DISS-7015: Dissertation Proposal V (3 hours)
Required research hours taken during the preparation of the dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7014. Offered Pass/Fail.
DISS-7016: Dissertation Proposal VI (3 hours)
Required research hours taken during the preparation of the dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7015. Offered Pass/Fail.
DISS-7017: Dissertation Proposal VII (3 hours)
Required research hours taken during the preparation of the dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7016. Offered Pass/Fail.
DISS-7018: Dissertation Proposal VIII (3 hours)
Required research hours taken during the preparation of the dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7017. Offered Pass/Fail.
DISS-7019: Dissertation Proposal IX (3 hours)
Required research hours taken during the preparation of the dissertation proposal. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7018. Offered Pass/Fail.
DISS-7020: Dissertation II (3 hours)
Scholarly work on a dissertation as approved by the dissertation committee. Prerequisite: P in COMP-7000 or COMP-7100, and DISS-7010. Pass/Fail only.
DISS-7030: Dissertation III (3 hours)
Scholarly work on a dissertation as approved by the dissertation committee. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7020. Pass/Fail only.
DISS-7040: Dissertation Teach-out (3 hours)
This course is available only to students who have transferred their doctoral work to CUC due to an approved teach-out scenario. Scholarly work on a dissertation as approved by the dissertation committee. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7030. Pass/Fail only.
DISS-7050: Dissertation Teach-out (3 hours)
This courses is available only to students who have transferred their doctoral work to CUC due to an approved teach-out scenario. Scholarly work on a dissertation as approved by the dissertation committee. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7040. Pass/Fail only.
DISS-7060: Dissertation Teach-out (1-3 hours)
This course is available only to students who have transferred their doctoral work to CUC due to an approved teach-out scenario. Scholarly work on a dissertation as approved by the dissertation committee. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7050. Pass/Fail only.
DISS-7070: Dissertation Teach-out (3 hours)
This course is available only to students who have transferred their doctoral work to CUC due to an approved teach-out scenario. Scholarly work on a dissertation as approved by the dissertation committee. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7060. Pass/Fail only.
DISS-7080: Dissertation Teach-out (1-3 hours)
This course is available only to students who have transferred their doctoral work to CUC due to an approved teach-out scenario. Scholarly work on a dissertation as approved by the dissertation committee. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7070. Pass/Fail only.
DISS-8000: Dissertation Supervision (0 hours)
Taken by doctoral candidates who have completed the required semester hours of dissertation. Doctoral candidates must use this course to maintain continuous enrollment while working on their dissertation and will be charged the equivalent of one semester hour of tuition for each registration in the course until the candidates have successfully defended their dissertation. This course is not credit bearing. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7030. Pass/Fail only.
DISS-8010: Dissertation Completion (0 hours)
Doctoral candidates use this course to maintain continuous enrollment and make progress on their dissertation once they have passed their proposal defense until they have successfully defended their dissertation. This course is not credit bearing. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7012 or DISS-7030, and evidence of a successful proposal defense. Offered Pass/Fail.
DISS-8011: Dissertation Completion (0 hours)
Doctoral candidates use this course to maintain continuous enrollment and make progress on their dissertation once they have passed their proposal defense until they have successfully defended their dissertation. This course is not credit bearing. Prerequisite: P in DISS-7012 or DISS-7030, and evidence of a successful proposal defense. Offered Pass/Fail.