DEAC-6600: Deaconess Foundations (3 hours)
History and theology underpinning the deaconess office, including distinction of Law and Gospel, theology of mercy, hospitality, women’s vocations in church history, LCMS history, structure, and polity. Replaces: THY-6600.
DEAC-6650: Deaconess Office (3 hours)
History, theology and expressions of the deaconess office from the Early Church through today. Diaconal roles of mercy, spiritual care, and teaching the Faith in church, world and institutions. Continuing diaconal application of the proper distinction between Law and Gospel. Replaces: THY-6620.
DEAC-6700: Ministry with Women (3 hours)
Spiritual caregiving and mercy during short- and long-term crises often faced by women and their families. Applying God's Word of Law and Gospel with the Theology of the Cross and mobilizing the Body of Christ for care. Assessing and utilizing church and community resources. Replaces: THY-6641.
DEAC-6800: Deaconess Field Experience (0 hours)
Beginning experience in the vocation of the Lutheran deaconess. Minimum 50 hours of supervised practicum in a congregation or institution. Participation in required seminars including peer review and discussion of ministry issues. Replaces THY-6630. Transportation: Required. Fee: Required.
DEAC-6990: Internship: Deaconess (0 hours)
Relating classroom concepts to the practical ministry of the deaconess. Minimum of five months of full-time supervised practicum in a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregation, recognized service organization, or mission. Preparation for call and placement as a deaconess. This course is open only to graduate deaconess certificate students. Deaconess students normally complete two semesters of internship with a terminal on-campus seminar. Replaces: THY-6991. Fee: Required.