2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Director of Christian Education (DCE)

DCE-6320: Administration of Parish Education (3 hours)

Basic principles of administration and supervision as they apply to the parish’s education program. Practical implications for organization, operation and evaluation of Sunday school and midweek programs, youth and adult Bible classes, vacation Bible school, small group ministry, preschool and day care programs and the recruitment and training of lay teachers. Field Work: Required.

DCE-6330: Youth Ministry Theory and Practice (3 hours)

Philosophical and theological foundation underlying youth work in a Christian congregation; emphasis on a relational orientation. Specific skills for parish ministry with junior and senior high school youth. Peer caring, program development and administration, training of adult counselors, planning and leading youth events. Field Work: Required.

DCE-6340: Church Leadership and Development (3 hours)

Developing the servant leader role related to the vision, mission and goals of a local congregation’s education and youth ministries.

DCE-6351: Parish Teaching II (3 hours)

Principles, organization, materials and practices of teaching the Christian faith to senior high school youth and adults; special attention to Bible class and small group ministry. Students will gain experience in actual teaching situations and in structuring lessons. Field Work: Required. Prerequisite: B or higher in DCE-2300 or instructor consent.

DCE-6352: Parish Teaching (3 hours)

Principles, organization, materials and practices of teaching the Christian faith to early childhood students through adults; special attention to Sunday School, confirmation instruction and programs, adult Bible class, and small group ministry.

DCE-6450: Family and Children's Ministry (3 hours)

Exploration of family dynamics in contemporary American society, various family and children’s ministry models, and strategies for sustaining such ministries.

DCE-6950: Independent Study in Christian Education (1-6 hours)

DCE-6985: Practicum in Christian Education (3 hours)

This course is designed as a capstone course for students in the Masters of Christian Education program. Students will choose a project to pursue in their current ministry location and use their coursework and other resources to complete this project.

DCE-6990: Internship in Christian Ed (6 hours)

A supervised six-month field experience designed to provide opportunities to become more familiar and more competent with DCE ministry in a Lutheran congregation. The student registers for 6 semester hours for one semester.