2025-2026 Academic Catalog

Doctor Business Administration Marketing (DBAM)

DBAM-7701: Consumer Global and Multicultural Marketing (3 hours)

Advanced Marketing Research is a study of the theories, concepts and techniques that marketers use to conduct marketing research in organizations. Students will focus on each of the major steps in conceptualizing, organizing, and conducting a marketing research design from defining the marketing research problem through selecting an appropriate methodology, collecting and analyzing data, to drawing and presenting conclusions from the data. Each of the steps along the marketing research path will be accompanied by practical case examples.

DBAM-7702: Consumer Global and Multicultural Marketing (3 hours)

Consumer Global and Multicultural Marketing is a study of global and multicultural marketing, including global marketing strategies, emerging trends, special topics and consideration of global corporate social responsibility. Emphasis is on providing a solid understanding of the research support for marketing principles, coupled with illustrations of practical application of marketing approaches, reinforced with detailed case examples.

DBAM-7703: Integrating Distribution Channels and Customers (3 hours)

Integrating Distribution Channels and Customers examines the distribution channel from understanding marketing channel systems, to developing the marketing channel, to managing the marketing channel, all the way to evaluating channel member performance. Emphasis is placed upon channel design strategy; product, pricing and promotion issues in channel management; and international channel perspectives. Students will receive a solid grounding in the ways marketers develop, connect to and manage global markets while integrating partners throughout the distribution system.